Primary & Secondary Section
S. No. Name of Staff Father/ Spouse Name Desig. Educational Qualification 1 Mr. Rajeev Kumar Krishna Kumar Principal M.Sc., B.Ed. 2 Mrs. Kawaljeet kaur Kohli Manvindar Singh PGT M. A., B.Ed 3 Mrs. Sonali Deb Soumitra PGT M.SC, B.Ed. 4 Mrs. Deepa Rughe Satish PGT M.Ed., B.Ed. 5 Mrs. Vedika Bharadwaj Vijay PGT B.SC., M.Sc.( I.T.) 6 Mr. Harpreet Singh Saini Gurmeet PGT M.Com., B.Ed. 7 Mrs. Shilpi Pawar Ambrish PGT M.Sc, MBA, B.Ed 8 Mr. Amey Bhojane Ajit PGT B.Sc., M.Ped 9 Mrs. Avanti Takawale Rakesh PGT M.Com., B.Ed. 10 Mr. Ajit Kumar Yadav Dharmendra PGT M.Sc., B.Ed. 11 Ms. Kshamika Durve Nandkumar PGT B.Sc., M.Sc., B. Ed. 12 Mrs. Dhanashree More Kedar PGT M.A., B.Ed. 13 Ms. Sheetal Yadav Rahul PGT M.A.M.Ed., B.EL.ED. 14 Mrs. Samartha Bhalekar Santosh TGT B.SC., MCA. 15 Ms. Bharati Sharma Pravin TGT M.A., B.Ed. 16 Mrs. Varsha Kenjale Nanasaheb TGT M.Ed., B.Ed. 17 Mr. Nagendra Maurya Nandalal TGT M.A., B.Ed. 18 Mr. Siddhesh Bagwe Vitthal TGT H. S.C.A.T.D ( G.D. Art) 19 Mrs. Nita Nagalkar Sanjay TGT M.A., B.Ed. 20 Mrs. Shamita Shetye Shirshir TGT B.A, B.Ed. 21 Mrs. Garima Singh Ankit TGT M.Sc., B.Ed. 22 Mrs. Aarohii Rane Nitesh TGT B.SC., B.Ed. 23 Mr. Pawan Mishra Shyamdhar TGT B.Sc., B.Ed. 24 Mr. Rakesh Upadhyay Shripati TGT B.Sc., (phy) B.ed 25 Mrs. Seema Pillai Hariraj TGT B.com, Bharat Natyam 26 Mr. Tirona Patil Durgesh TGT M.A., M.Ed. 27 Mrs. Anupam Puri Sanjeev TGT B.Sc., B.Ed. 28 Mrs. Vrushali Manjrekar Nikhil TGT M.A. Appered 29 Mrs. Janhvi Mishrani Vijay TGT M.A., B.Ed. 30 Mrs. Meenakshi sharma Vijay TGT B.A., D.Ed. 31 Mrs. Aarti Nawale Sameer TGT M.A., B.Ed. 32 Ms. Shikha Rai Nitin TGT M.A., B.Ed. 33 Ms. Monika Pandey Rajkumar TGT M.Sc., B.Ed. 34 Mr. Vaibhav Risbud Vasudev TGT M. A. Music( Tabla) 35 Mrs. Alafiya Manasawala Murtaza TGT M.A., B.Ed. 36 Mrs. Shalaka Nanavare Anil PTI M.A., B.S.Ed. 37 Mrs. Priyanka Singh Pawan TGT M.A., B.Ed. 38 Ms. Sonika Bhatia Dheeraj TGT B.Com., B.Ed.(P) 39 Mr. Yashodhan Naringrekar Subhash TGT B.Sc. 40 Mrs. Shubhangi Sawarkar Kishor PRT B.Sc., B.Ed. 41 Mrs. Sarika Randive Sachin PRT MBA, B.Ed. 42 Mrs. Mandeep Kaur Gurmeet Singh PRT H.S.C., D.Ed. 43 Ms. Sadaf Khan Shkil PRT B.Sc., B.Ed. 44 Mrs. Rashmi Chandanshive Dheeraj PRT (Lib. ) B.A., B.Lib. 45 Mrs. Sonali Nagmote Vishal PRT (Lib. ) B.A., M.Lib. 46 Ms. Priya Sharma Arvind Kumar PRT H.S.C., D.Ed. 47 Ms. Shubhangi Pawar Shrikant PRT B.Com., B.Ed. 48 Ms. Vaishali Mehta Padmesh PRT B.Sc., B.Ed. 49 Mrs. Jyotsna Pawar Chetan PRT B.A., B.Ed. 50 Ms. Chhaya Bendale Vishnu PTI B.Sc., M.P.Ed. 51 Mr. Abhay Deshpande Arun PRT (Music) S. Y. B. A. 52 Mr. Pramod Yadav ramashray PRT M.A., B. Ed. 53 Mrs. Reena Kaja Adiseshu PRT B.A., B.Ed. 54 Mr. Yogendra Patil chandrakant PRT (Music) S.Y.B.A., Music Diploma 55 Mrs. Shivani Patil Hemant PRT M.A., B.Ed. 56 Mrs. Hardeep Kaur Saini Guruprit PRT M.Com., B.Ed. 57 MS. Sampada Mishra Jayesh PRT M. A. E. C.C. Ed. 58 Ms. Sarika Saxena Nishant PRT B.Sc., D.Ed.(P) 59 Mrs. Purnima Payare Ravindra PRT S.Y.B.A, D.Ed., M.S.CIT 60 Ms. Nishita Dand Jignesh PRT B.Sc, B.Ed 61 Mrs. Sarika Shinde Pramod PRT M.A, B.Ed. 62 Ms. Priti Kine Vijay PRT B.E., D.C.T. 63 Ms. Vaishali Marathe Vitthal PRT B.A, D.Ed. 64 Ms. Gunjan Gotarkar Vaibhav PRT M.A., D,Ed. 65 Mr. Kiran Nikam Ashok PRT B.Com 66 Ms. Meera Pandey Ashok PRT B.SC, B.Ed. 67 Ms. Shraddha Kelkar Jayndra PRT HSC., ATD. 68 Ms. Pratiksha Pednekar Bhimsen PRT D.AID FINE ART 69 Ms. Swapnila Rokade Murlidhar PRT B.Com.(NIIT) O.P.C.
Parent – Teacher Interaction
Parents Teacher Executive body was formed as per the guidelines of Department of Education. Several numbers of meetings were held in order to have a fair selection and to explain the objectives to the desired members. The final body meeting was conducted where the 10 elected representatives were informed about the working and activities of the PTA in detail. PTA members were invited from time to time to witness the celebration of a few events such as Investiture ceremony, Independence Day, Sanskrit Diwas and Hindi Diwas.
Parent Orientation was conducted to inform the parents about the conduct of the activities, rules & regulations, discipline, events, examinations, etc. After the orientation, the concerns, suggestion and positive feedback by the parents were noted in the suggestion diary of each grade and quick dynamic measures were taken on the concerns recorded. This practice continued even in the PTI meetings conducted thereafter. Parents not only gave suggestions but also appreciated school and its staff for their efforts and initiatives. At several intervals PTI meetings were held wherein the teachers briefed the parents about their child’s progress, the forthcoming Evaluations and the Formative Assessments conducted.
- Parent-Teacher Interactions are organized on the prescribed days.
- Parents shall meet the teachers at the appointed time on appointed days only.
- Meeting days are subject to change.
- Any change in the given schedule will be informed to the parents in advance.
- Parents are requested not to disturb the teachers during school hours.
- They can meet teachers by prior appointment only.