DMWA Policies

Eligibility For Admissions:

Nursery to Sr.KG.

To be eligible for admission, the candidate must fulfill the age criteria specified by the school.

For Grade I to IX

To be eligible for admission, Student should have completed the previous grade successfully and should satisfy the age criteria as specified by the school.

Parents are requested to carefully fill and submit the Admission Form, Transportation Form (where applicable) and Medical Form (where applicable) at the time of payment of fees.

Submission of Original Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation/ Local Bodies as applicable along with the Admission Form is mandatory for Nursery to Grade I. From Grade II to VII original School Leaving Certificate must be attached with the Admission Form. The School Leaving Certificates from schools outside Maharashtra should be counter singed by D.E.O. concerned CBSE Regional Officer.

‘Attested Copy’ or such other certified copies of Birth Certificate / Leaving Certificate will not be accepted. No further enquiry or request on this matter shall be appreciated (any failure to pay the fees by due date, will automatically cancel the admission. No request regarding submission of fees after due date will be entertained).

School Fees

Demand Drafts are to be made and drawn in favour of “Datta Meghe World Academy” payable at Tirupati Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd., Sec.16 Airoli.

Fee is payable as per the schedule given below:

1st Installment: at the time of admission

2nd Installment: As informed by the office at the time of admission.

In case of delay in payment of fees, fine will be applicable.


In case of withdrawal from the school, parents need to submit a written application to the Principal on the prescribed form attached in the school calendar with a clear one calendar month’s notice.

Parents have to clear all sorts of dues before applying for School Leaving Certificate.

Fees once paid, is not refundable in any case.

Every student must carry this calendar to school every day and use it productively.

  • Non-bus commuters must arrive 10 minutes before the Home period/Assembly.
  • Uniform is compulsory during school hours and for all school functions, including all such instances where students are representing the school to the outside world.
  • Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences, whether in or out of school. Students found using the same will be expelled from the school.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any weapons or sharp instruments, such as blades, knives, paper-scalpels, scissors etc., to school.
  • Damaging or disfiguring any school property may result in expulsion from school.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing any publication, reference books, CD or other storage devices like floppies, pen drives or i-pods, not relevant to academic pursuits.
  • Bringing mobile phones, cameras, expensive pens, pencils, pencil boxes etc. to school is strictly forbidden.
  • In the interest of their own security, students are advised not to buy or receive any articles, gifts or foodstuffs from anyone at all in and outside the school
  • Exploding crackers on any occasion or splashing colours during Holi in the school premises or in school buses is strictly forbidden.
  • It is mandatory for all students unless instructed otherwise, to be present for festivals and functions celebrated in and outside the school.
  • The school is committed in protecting the environment and expects its students to be environment friendly in all their actions. The use of poly-bags (plastic bags) is therefore, strictly prohibited in the school and students should consciously avoid  use of such articles for any purpose.
  • Girls are not allowed to wear earrings, rings on fingers.  However, one pair of small ear studs can be permitted.
  • Girls with long hair must plait their hair. Hair-band is a part of uniform and it must be worn by all girl students in school campus, inside bus and outside school campus while representing school.
  • Colouring, bleaching or styling of hair is not permitted.
  • Students from Grade VI onwards are permitted to wear watch, however no fancy and expensive watches will be allowed.
  • No student who has been absent on the previous day, will be allowed to attend class unless her/his parent has entered an explanation stating the reasons for the absence, in the ‘Record of Non-Attendance’ section of the calendar, for each day the student has been absent from school.
  • It is responsibility of absentee students to ensure that their parents have entered the relevant information and signed the calendar as well. In case of absence of more than two days on Medical Grounds, Medical Certificate & prescription should be attached along with application.
  • There is no provision for half day leave, so students who are not well should not be sent to school even on exam/test days. Child will be marked absent if she/he is taken home by parents/guardians/authorized persons during schools hours, even if it was an examination/ test day.
  • A student, returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, should produce doctor’s fitness certificate permitting her/him to attend school. Students suffering from below mentioned diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school:
    • Chicken Pox: Till the scabs fall completely; Not > 15 Days
    • Cholera: Till the child has completely recovered; Not > 15 Days
    • Measles: Two weeks after the rash disappears; Not > 10 Days
    • Mumps: Until the swelling has gone; about one month Not > 15 Days
    • Whooping Cough: Till the doctor certifies;     Not > 20 Days
    • Hepatitis (Jaundice): Till the doctor certifies;    Not > 20 Days
  • Parents will be promptly informed in the event of serious illness or emergencies and may be requested to come to school to take their ward home if necessary.
  • Repeated absence without notice or unexplained absence without written application for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have her/his name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may only be granted after payment of a re-admission fee.
  • All students should attend school on the opening day immediately following the vacations. Absence on the day of reopening of the school will attract disciplinary action.
  • It is compulsory for students to maintain 90% attendance in each term in order to be eligible to take the end-of-term assessment. This stipulation can only be relaxed on genuine medical grounds, at the sole discretion of the Principal.
  • Leave for special reasons other than sickness is required to be obtained in advance by the parent from the Principal only.

Students are expected to reach school 10 minutes before the start of the Assembly.

  • Early leave will be granted for valid reasons only.
  • If any other person, other than the one authorized by the parent, comes to pick the child, he should produce an authority letter from the parents.
  • The school emphasizes a high standard of discipline and also expects the students to be serious for their studies as well as other pursuits. Parents are expected to honor school rules and regulations themselves, and they also need to ensure that their children also do the same.

Children are allowed to bring wholesome nutritious food like Dosa, Idlis, Dhokla ,Vada, Pulao, Puri, Parantha or Chapattis along with seasonal green vegetables. Apart from this you can also send an additional lunch container with things such as as Dry fruits, fresh fruits, nuts, sprouts, salad, etc. But please do not over-stuff the lunch box or send junk foods like wafers, chips, salted Namkeen, or soda-based soft drinks.

The napkin and mat are an integral part of school uniform and hence the students have to carry these things along with fork and spoon to school daily and use the same while having their Tiffin.

  • Library books will be issued once in a week from Grade I onwards.
  • Books should be handled with care. Any damage caused, shall be made good by the concerned pupil.
  • Books lost or damaged shall have to be paid for or replaced by the borrower.
  • Students are allowed to wear colourful dresses on their birthdays.
  • Students are not permitted to give any treats and gifts to other students in the school premises. However, chocolates will be allowed.
  • It will be appreciated if the child could donate saplings, library books to the school, make donations to orphanages, old age homes, etc.